Episode 212 – The Myth of Certainty

You’d think after an episode dedicated to ways you can game with your friends around virtual tables during quarantine we’d have more stories about games we’ve been playing – but that doesn’t go so well. So instead we want to talk about the myth of certainty, that place of comfort and security where we know a thing is going to happen a certain way because it just has to … right?

Games mentioned:
The Live: Assault on Cable 54
Animo: Cross Trainers
Deadlands: The Weird West for Savage Worlds
The Quiet Year
Space Crusade
Dune ( Two Versions)

Other mentions:
They Live’s infamous fight scene
Roll 4 Initiative
Norse Foundry

Episode 171 – Gaming as a Social Contract

Getting it Right (or semi-right) from Design to Table

Daniel, Jeff and T.R. discuss what it means to bring a game to the table. How deeply does (or should) game designers and players consider what goes into a game and when (or if) it actually makes an appearance?  Anything ranging from historical accuracy to social contracts come into play as we range across the cardboard battlefields of gaming to find out!

Games Discussed