Episode 160 – The Intern & the Mechanical Gospel

Many of our usual hosts are off dealing with other things at the moment, so I asked our new intern Jonathan Campoverde to come on the podcast to tell our wonderful listeners a little bit about himself.

In this episode, we talk about some of the announcements blowing open the doors of Gen Con (Restoration Games announcing Fireball Island, Plaid Hat announcing Stuffed fables, and – of course – FFG’s announcement of Star Wars: Legion), talk about our wonderful intern and what he hopes to see in this next year with us, and discuss the church’s perception of what constitutes ministry and the way we go about sharing the Gospel.

He’s gonna fit in just fine.

Episode 159 – Gen Con Game Goodness

We start out briefly talking about Daniel’s latest raffle and our participation in #GenCant – beforeĀ getting into the meat of our discussion. Following part 1, we bring you our 2nd pre-Gen Con podcast featuring the games we are most excited about at this year’s event. You can also find more suggestions on my two different Gen Con previews at the InnRoadsĀ site.

Here are our lists:

Episode 158 – The Gen Con Experience

This first installment of two Gen Con focused episodes of GSP. In this episode, we talk about the overall experience of Gen Con and while we think it’s worth going. We talk about the experiences we’ve had, the feeling of being among the people, and the overall excitement of being involved in the USA’s largest gaming convention.

In the next episode, we’ll be tackling the games that are being released at this year’s event and what has our attention

If you want to read the previous article I mention in this episode, you can find it here.