Episode 213 – Choosing Our Words

Recording got delayed on this one due to a guest appearance, a holiday here in America, and some incredibly bad sinus pressure – but we’re here now, and we have an interesting show for you. In this episode, we continue to talk about trying to figure out how to get games played in the midst of lockdown – but actually don’t get to our usual coffee and contemplation segment because we wanted to talk about why we try to shy away from making too many definitive theological statements on most of our ministry’s content – but especially here at Game Store Prophets.

Games mentioned in this episode:
Blood Rage Digital Edition
Gloomhaven / Frosthaven
Nemesis (currently on kickstarter at time of posting)
Warhammer 40k 9th edition
Dragon & Flagon

One-shot RPG fest ( Thanks, Zach, for the question):
Savage Worlds One Sheet Adventures
Damn the Man, Save the Music
Lasers & Feelings
Everyone is John

Also mentioned:
Back Burner Games

Episode 212 – The Myth of Certainty

You’d think after an episode dedicated to ways you can game with your friends around virtual tables during quarantine we’d have more stories about games we’ve been playing – but that doesn’t go so well. So instead we want to talk about the myth of certainty, that place of comfort and security where we know a thing is going to happen a certain way because it just has to … right?

Games mentioned:
The Live: Assault on Cable 54
Animo: Cross Trainers
Deadlands: The Weird West for Savage Worlds
The Quiet Year
Space Crusade
Dune ( Two Versions)

Other mentions:
They Live’s infamous fight scene
Roll 4 Initiative
Norse Foundry