Episode 107 – Persist and Survive the Great War

_DSC0215When we talked about what we wanted to talk about this episode, the goal was to give more of a complete rundown of the games I brought back from Gen Con now that I’ve taken . What ended up happening was a discussion about 2 games I brought back (Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn and The Grizzled), Jeff talked about his experience with Marvel Legendary, and I talked about finding hope in the midst of pain in the story of a family that I got to meet at this year’s event.

If you want to to help the folks at Geekdom House reach their goal and put together a well-crafted, fully published experience (and be able to pay their artists/writers who put their hard work to make this happen whether they would be or not) called Area of Effect, check out their Kickstarter!

If you want to be part of our Extra Life team, you can find our team page HERE. There you can sign up to join the team and start raising funds, donate to any of our current team members, or just share the page to people you know who might want to help us help this hospital help kids.

This is Gen Con – Episode 1: Reflections on the Con

_DSC0007It’s that time again – a time for me to report on everything that I got and experienced at Gen Con 2015. In this first episode, I talk about the games I brought back from the event, the people that I met, and the general reasons I keep going back year after year.

You’ll hear about all the games pictures to the left, as well as hear from Isaac Vega, Jerry Hawthorne, Stephen Buonocore, T.R. Knight, Sam Healey and more.