Episode 210 – Perspectives and Expectations

In this episode, Mike & Daniel are back to discuss how perspectives and expectations can shape the choices that we make in life and gaming. Jumping off of the point mentioned in our previous episode regarding different editions of Dungeons and Dragons – specifically how Daniel enjoys older editions while 5th edition is everything Mike has hoped the game could be – many of the differences we find in our life, our gaming, and even what we value in the practice and application of our faith have to do with what we are expecting.

Games mentioned in this episode:
Racing Demons (card game)
Spirit Island
Marvel Card Line

Other mentions:
Shut up & Sit Down’sCard Games That Don’t Suck” video series
Blood Rage play mat
Heroforge 2.0

There’s a brief announcement in the front of the episode where Mike references his new Patreon page. If you can support that’d be great, but if you can’t there is nothing to fear. GSP and its content will only be tangentially affected at most. We just know that some listeners wanted to know if something like that ever got set up.

Music by Kevin MacLeod, Creative Commons at www.incompetech.com.